Essential Oil Protocols


Why, oh why must there be rules, even for baths? You just want to soak in an aroma filled bath billowing with comfort and warmth to ease the day’s tension and stress. It’s the one place you can find peace, quiet, and offer your body and mind respite…without having to get overly complicated. So you drop in your favorite oils and boom, you’re ready for me time……

Not so fast! There are so many essential oil combinations boasting to help with everything from energy boosts to sleep provoking formulas and quick pain relief, so the temptation to just drop them in and soak is easy to understand. BUT. If you don’t follow the proper protocols, you may find yourself (and your skin) easily irritated, cutting that much needed soak short. Need some tips? Check out this helpful from Healthline.

Tanya Vanden Bosch