Got COVID? It's Time For A Bath


You have Covid…now what? There are no current protocols from medical professionals on what to do for relief, however, research is proving that the coronavirus is sensitive to body heat. As I’ve covered many times before: hot baths, (or hydrotherapy) boost the body’s immune system, which is critical in combating and/or reducing the severity of symptoms from Covid within the body.

Heat therapy has a long history within a wide range of cultures. The benefits include increasing heart function, lung function and blood function, as well as reducing inflammation, pain and tension within the body. In addition, heat therapy is beneficial in combating infections and diseases and may even inactivate a virus all together.

So whether you have tested positive or are taking preventative measures against COVID19 and it’s variants, hydrotherapy is an excellent tool to optimize the body for disease prevention.

Tanya Vanden Bosch