Lonely? A Bath Can Help

The correlation between the mental and physical when it comes to temperature is fascinating. Often when we are sad, not feeling well, or lonely, we curl up in a plush blanket, drink hot tea or put on our warmest, coziest pj’s. Similarly, we may opt for a long steamy shower or soak in the bath. A study by Yale University tested whether people might use physical warmth as a way to feel better about themselves. They found that the same areas in the brain that register physical temperature are also sensitive to loneliness and feelings of rejection. The researchers also had subjects recall a lonely memory, with some subjects able to hold something hot while the other subjects held nothing. The people with the warm objects had a less negative portrayal of their experience than the group that was not able to hold something warm. What’s more, the research concluded that the lonelier someone was, the more they bathed and the longer the bath or shower was. So does taking a long bath mean you’re lonely and looking for physical warmth from another human? Not necessarily, but it’s nice to know we have the option.


Tanya Vanden Bosch