Detox Baths - Are they Effective?

There are many ways to detox the body, from sauans to smoothies. Another method that can be easily added into your wellness routine is a detox bath. There are many ingredients that can help facilitate the process while you lay back, unwind and reap the health benefits such as easing pain and soreness, softening rough dry skin, reducing stress and even drawing out a splinter. But, does a detox bath really detox the body? 

There are many conflicting articles out there debating the validity of these baths. A detox bath is considered a natural way to ‘draw out’ toxins from the body. Toxins are poisonous substances that negatively affect our health. Salt detox baths (usually made from Epsom salt), break down into magnesium and sulfate. The theory is that when you soak, the compounds enter your body through the skin flushing impurities from the body by allowing it to sweat out the toxins. In addition you can use essential oils, which provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits, along with common household items like baking soda and honey in the epsom salts.

Although detox baths are not proven to release toxins from the body, the benefits of soaking in heated water are scientifically proven to boost heart and lung health, immunity and mental health. So really there’s no harm in trying it.

Tanya Vanden Bosch