Baths for Easing Cramps

Cramps are the worst. The. Worst. Not only do they cause pain and discomfort, but they are disruptive to a woman’s daily life and return month after month. If you have never experienced being curled up in a ball on your bed moaning as pain radiates from your abs through to your back, you are blessed. Besides over the counter medications there are other non-pill based remedies for easing the aches and pains that linger for days at a time. Heat therapy is well known for cramp relief, as many women keep a heating pad on hand for their vicious cycles. Heat helps by relaxing muscles of the uterus, increasing blood flow and reducing pain. Now if a heating pad works well for you on your back or abdomen, imagine how full immersion in a long, hot bath can help. Even a cool bath can ease pain when a build up of blood in your pelvis causes cramps; the cool temperature can help draw the blood out of the pelvis toward the extremities. There are many therapeutic bath recipes to aid in cramp relief and tips on battling them. If you have not had luck using the usual methods, give a bath a shot.

Tanya Vanden Bosch